Located in the town of Brookhaven Lydel asphalt plant boasts an organized, clean and modernized facility and serves some of the biggest names in the industry. We have the materials needed to help you build your next project. We supply all of Long Island and we retain on-site quality control and inspection, with the support of an in-house quality control officer, we guarantee a quality product start to finish. Located at 19 Stiriz Rd # B, Brookhaven, NY 11719 For more information about Lydel Asphalt Plant Contact Eugene Demasi - Director Material Manufacturing and Sales 631-445-7212
- Residential, Commercial, Municipal and State blends
- 1/4" NYSDOT Type 7 Residential Mix
- 3/8" NYSDOT TYPE 6 Roadway and Parking Lot Mix
- NYSDOT Type 1 Base and Type 3 Binder Mixes
- Super Pave Mixes for NYS Roadways